Definitions of Landscapes


Deserts form when the air is dry and there is no rain. There are not many plants and trees in deserts. Some deserts are very big. The sahara Desert in Africa is bigger than India. Desers are not always hot. The Gobi Desert in Asia is colder than the UK in winter.

Sahara Desert is the biggest desert in the world

 The Atacama desert the driest place in the world 
Atacama Desert
Comparison to Mars: 
The Atacama Desert is used as a location for filming Mars scenes, most notably in the television series. The Atacama is also used by NASA to test instruments for future Mars missions. 

 The biggest deserts in the world


Volcano in Iceland
Volcanoes form when it is very hot under  the earth. When a volcano erupts, there are spectacular fountains of fire and lava. The lava travels a long way. There are about fifty volvanic  eruptions in the world every year.

Stromboli Volcano in Italy

 3 Types of Volcanoes

  • Volcanoes can be active (regular activity)
  • dormant (recent historical activity but now quiet)
  • or extinct (no activity in historical times and unlikely to erupt again). 


Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

Glaciers are like rivers of ice. Glaciers form when snow in high mountains changes to ice.There are glaciers in the Rockies, the Andes, the Alps and the Himalaya Mountains. 

Elephant Foot Glacier, Greenland

There are also glaciers in the Artic  and Antartica. When ice from glaciers falls into the sea, icebergs form. Glacial ice is the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth


Mattherhorn, Switzerland

A mountain is a natural elevation of the earth surface,  higher than a hill. Mountains  usually have steep slopes and a rounded or sharp peak. Mountains are rarely found alone. Groups of mountains are called ranges. Lines of ranges form mountain belts.
The highest mountain in the world is Everest. Mount aconcagua is the highest mountain in South America.

Andes, the longest mountain range in the world

 Andes is the longest mountain range in the world. They extend from north to south through seven South Amercian countries including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.


 A jungle is land covered with dense vegetation. Jungles are usually in warm places with high rainfall.Jungles are home to a wide range of plants and animals.

Jungles and rainforests are similar, but while rainforests have thick canopies of tall trees that block out light, jungles allow more light in, making it easier for plants to grow.

The Amazon jungle is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, covering over five and a half a million square kilometres

It is home to around 2 and a half million different insect species as well as over 40000 plant species.

There are also a number of dangerous species living in the Amazon rainforest such as the cougar, jaguar and anaconda


A river is a large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land and goes into an ocean, a lake, etc.

The longest river in the world is the Nile River, it reaches around 6650 kilometers in length (4132 miles).

 The second longest river in the world is the Amazon River, it reaches around 6400 kilometres in length (4000 miles).


A waterfall is a river or other body of water's steep fall over a rocky ledge into a plunge pool below. Waterfalls are also called cascades.

 Waterfalls are a source of hydropower producing large amounts of electricity.

Salto del Angel waterfalls
The world's tallest waterfall is Salto del  Angel Falls, in Venezuela with 979 meters high
Angel Falls and other large waterfalls are sometimes called cataracts. 
Cataracts often drop straight down.
A cataract is a powerful, even dangerous, waterfall. Among the widest and wildest of cataracts are the thundering waters of the Iguazu River on the border between Brazil and Argentina.
Iguazú waterfalls ,also called cataracts.


 A lake is a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. And are also larger and deeper than ponds.
Lake Moraine , in Canada.

Natural lakes are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciation.
Lake Titicaca, Bolivia

Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for industrial or agricultural use, for hydro-electric power generation or domestic water supply, or for aesthetic or recreational purposes

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